easy way vidcommx list in July 2014 - this time I'm
going to share a tutorial how to make vidcommx
account, so if you have not figured out how to make
vidcommx account, you will find the answer in this
for some people enrolling in vidcommx may seem
easy, but for some people also enroll in vidcommx
very difficult, especially for those new to the world of
the Internet, now therefore my long foray into the
world of the internet has become kewwajiban to give
this tutorial, so let us start
easy way vidcommx list in July 2014
- First please visit their site at this address www.vidcommx.com
- then you will see a site like this
because you will register so please point your view
to the right is the registration form - there is no columns must be filled please see the
picture above, and change the country code with the
country code of Indonesia - after completing the please click to sign up, and you
will be taken to a page as shown below
it means you
must check the email that you enter on the
registration form - Click the link in the email you and you will be taken
to a page to create a username and password to see
the picture below - After filling in the username and password and click
signup - Now your account has been successfully created and
you can log into vidcommx
yamg so I can tell you about how easy vidcommx list
in July 2014 may be useful