Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

20 Easy Ways to Free Money from the Internet ch.2

20 Easy Ways to Free Money
from the Internet ch.2
- Hello netizens who are looking for ways to
make money from the internet ... This is the 2nd
article of the series to this series of articles how
to easily get free money through the internet.
Make sure you read the previous article (20 ways to free money from the internet ch1 )

  • 11. Establishing a small niche site. Yes, you can
    make money online.I run a few small niche
    websites. For example, How to convert PDF is a
    tiny site that has a free video on how to convert
    other types of documents into PDF format. It
    sells software called PDF Creator, and I make a
    few dollars every time someone buys from that
    site. I promote the site using pay-per-click
    advertising and it is profitable. Do not copy me
    directly, but find their intersections that need
    help and tools, ebook, or software programs that
    will help them overcome their problems. After
    that, create a website designed to get them to
    buy it!
  • 12. Helping local businesses develop an online
    presence. Local businesses are struggling. Many
    have websites, but did not get any results from
    them. Others do not have a website at all. You
    can help by learning search engine optimization,
    how to set up email lists, and more, and then
    apply these to local businesses. If you usually
    hang out at geeks, web marketers, or Web 2.0
    crowd, you might be surprised at how many
    business owners are 10 years old (or more)
    behind you! If you can deliver results, business
    owners will be happy to pay. Find customers by
    going door to door.
  • 13. Learn WordPress, then offer to install plugins
    and upgrade. I hired David from Web Geek 4
    Hire to upgrade my blog and install a new
    Wordpress plugin. He charges $ 5 to upgrade a
    plugin ... great for him, because most plugins
    only take a few minutes to upgrade, and good for
    me, because if anything breaks, David gets to
    clean up the mess! You can make a full-time
    position, there is a ton of demand for these
    services. Find customers by contacting bloggers
    directly. Get references from bloggers who
    understand the value of outsourcing this task.
  • 14. Become the go-to for the installation of
    certain parts of the software. Anything from
    amember for Quickbooks is fair game here. In
    the hosting industry, iDevAffiliate and Plesk
    Billing software is the fruit we will pay a lot of
    money to have someone else handle. Niche more
    and more complex / disturbing / frustrating the
    software, the better! Even if software companies
    offer free installation, you can make hundreds or
    thousands of dollars training business owners or
    their employees use. Focus on one piece of
    software and become a trusted expert. Create
    videos and tutorials using screencast software
    like Camtasia to increase your profits, it can also
    lead to be a niche product that you can sell.
    (Amember offer "free installation", but my
    girlfriend and I took more than 10 hours to
    configure it was definitely something that I
    outsource times!.)
  • 15. Interviewing other people and sell the
    interviews. I experimented with this in 2008 and
    made more than $ 800 from one interview. The
    key here is to understand the pain points that
    people experienced, expert interviews, and ask
    experts questions that people who are
    experiencing problems. Then create a small
    website and sell the interview. There's more to
    this, including having good copywriting skills so
    your website sells the interview well, and
    knowing where to advertise, so do not expect to
    immediately withdraw hundreds of dollars. That
    said, this is a neat way to quickly create a
    product. Get interviews transcribed, then string
    a few interviews in the same industry together
    as a membership site or bundle that you can sell
    for more money.
  • 16. Become a freelance "web geek." From
    configuring a shopping cart to installing and
    tweaking blog themes, there are virtually
    unlimited projects out there for geeks who enjoy
    working with small business owners to get them
    up and running online. Find people who are
    looking for web geeks on the Warrior Forum or
    other places where entrepreneurs gather.
  • 17. Enter logo and design contests. Fancy yourself
    a good designer? Try your hand at creating a logo
    or other design that loves company! 99 Designs
    is the most popular market. Be careful, however,
    you will not get paid unless your logo wins
    against many others, which makes many
    designers unhappy. In my opinion, this is a great
    way for a budding designer to build a portfolio
    and learn quickly what clients love.
  • 18. Create Twitter backgrounds and e-covers.
    The competition is stiff, but if you are an
    intelligent designer, this is a good way to pick up
    extra cash. Even better, if you are an artist, this
    is a good way to make your art skills pay.
    Consider that every design must have a reason
    why the customer should buy a book or follow
    people on Twitter have a real impact. Twitter
    backgrounds, in particular, are in hot demand
    right now. For measurement and warning of
    Twitter backgrounds, read "How to make your
    own Twitter background."
  • 19. Submit websites or blog posts to social media
    sites. Not a very interesting job, but in high
    demand from bloggers and small businesses.
    This involves setting up accounts on all social
    bookmarking services and then bookmarking
    your clients' websites or latest blog post to help
    them get more traffic. You may be competing
    against software that does this, but in the
    opinion of many people ', it is better to have a
    real person to do it. Even better is if you can
    goose your accounts with a lot of friends and
    became a star on some services, then every site
    you bookmark has higher credibility and you can
    charge more. To get an idea of ​​the social media
    sites you need to sign up, starting from
  • 20. Editing audio for others. It is something that
    is fairly easy to learn and also in high demand.
    On Windows, one good program for Sony Sound
    Forge audio editing. I use Sound Forge Audio
    Studio, but if you are doing this professionally,
    you might consider upgrading to Sound Forge 9.
    Getting the hang of editing "um" and "ah" s from
    audio. Even better is to understand the "flow" of
    the conversation interviews and editing part
    does not make sense. Finally, learn to find and
    add the podcast intro music really gives a
    professional touch. Advertise your services on
    oDesk or eLance. I pay people to do this for a
    podcast I set up on Inspiring Innovators, and it's
    definitely a job that can be done from your home.

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